Stek in de 2023 editie van The Legal 500 gids

In de 2023 editie van de prestigieuze vergelijkingsgids The Legal 500 wordt Stek wederom aanbevolen voor al haar praktijkgroepen. Maar liefst 24 advocaten worden dit jaar bij naam genoemd in het Legal 500 commentaar voor hun opmerkelijke bijdrage. Bijzondere vermeldingen zijn er daarnaast voor:

Een greep uit de feedback van onze cliënten en vakgenoten:

  • “No-nonsense approach. Sense of humour. Knowledgeable, which means they force their clients to really explain what the issues are, and then translate these issues into legal opportunities.”
  • “The team has a hands-on and pragmatic approach and a deep understanding of renewable energy deals. We value the proactive and friendly way of communication. Timelines are kept and the quality of the work is excellent.”
  • ‘The most important thing is the people themselves. The personal pleasant contact with us as a client, their expertise in their field, their speed and flexibility, their ability to collaborate with other offices.”
  • “Stek’s commercial litigation practice punches well above its weight, being involved in some of the major litigation in the Netherlands. Perfect local partner for cross-border dispute resolution.”

Wij danken onze clënten en vakgenoten wederom voor deze enthousiaste feedback!